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Four Trends Transforming Online Business Loans in the Philippines
During the credit pinch since 2008, alternative loans have emerged to meet the needs of consumers and small business owners, and their signs indicate sector expansion. Some estimate that by 2020, one of the five small business loans will be provided by alternative lenders. That part of the yen is $ 52 billion compared to today's $ 5 billion.
Not bad, but what will take us there? Fintech will promote what development to enable these technology-friendly companies to lend more money to more companies and offer viable alternatives to traditional business finance.
There are four trends to keep in mind for a successful online business loan
1. Multi-product offer:
The largest financial institution in our country is a full-service bank offering credit cards, personal loans, student loans, mortgages, and small business loans, among other financial products. However, to date, most online lenders have been left behind, but there are some notable exceptions, such as the Lending Club, which operates in the private SME lending sector. In the next few years, we will probably see more lenders offering various types of loans online.
2. Banking Association:
Banks have a large customer base, low capital costs, and aspects of this aspect. Alternative lenders have room for speed, better user experience, and regulatory control. They are natural competitors, but they don't have to be. Several partnerships are beginning to be formed between banks and online lenders, which will define how SMEs' credit needs will be met in the future.
For example, the OnDeck and JP Morgan Chase Institute use OnDeck technology and JP Morgan bank deposit data to provide SMB clients with automatic signatures for small and medium-sized bank borrowers. A partnership between the regional bank and the Foundation, where the Foundation is creating a fully digitized application for regional bank customers.
3. The push for self-monitoring:
When alternative lenders began to appear, it was an option for everyone. The companies played according to their own rules.
However, in recent years, several self-monitoring initiatives have emerged, from industry groups to industry announcements. Innovative Lending Platform Association, Market Lender Association, Responsible Corporate Creditors Association, Small Business Borrower Act: All self-regulation attempts. As the online lending industry continues to mature, we strive to self-regulate among the major players in the industry, as we must practice and respect all the lenders or brokers that the borrower deserves to possess.
4. Strengthening government regulation:
Fintech is one of the hottest discussion topics, and it's easy to see why. Banks and finance play a particularly sensitive role in our economy while Silicon Valley startups are disrupting the taxi and mattress industry. Therefore, last year, the Financial Supervisory Authority, the Federal Trade Commission, and the Ministry of Finance published a study on alternative lending.
Regulators have not missed the possibility that alternative lenders have to innovate, or that inadequate regulation could soon lead to the death of a large new industry. However, online lending has transformed a new industry that is traditionally more restrictive.
It's difficult to say exactly how a business loan looks online, but we can make sure that you are here to stay. These four developments play an important role in FinTech's modern age and long industry change.

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